SME Go digital - training for SME company managers


A training service to familiarize participants with the history of the industrial revolution, the idea of Industry 4.0, the benefits of digital transformation, areas of organizational and technological transformation, the technologies that make up a smart industry, as well as the basics of green transformation.

The training is dedicated to members of the digital transformation team, including: senior managers (CEO, COO, CIO), middle managers or project managers, specialists involved in processes: IT, production, logistics, marketing and trade, human resources management, product development.

The training contains such aspects as: planning and organization of work, management and decision-making processes, management of relations with suppliers and customers, data collection, processing and management, network security, digital competence of employees.

The training will also include workshop sessions to generate ideas related to areas where the implementation of digital solutions could add value to the organization.

Service delivery phases

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